Subject Leader for RE: Mrs Hall

RE Long Term Plan

Below you will find each year groups syllabus.

EYFS Reception Syllabus

Year 1 Syllabus

Year 2 Syllabus

Year 3 Syllabus

Year 4 Syllabus

Year 5 Syllabus

Year 6 Syllabus


Examples of work

As well as following The Way, The Truth and The Life, at St Vincent's we have a key focus on discussion based lessons. This gives the children the opportunity to reflect and respond, sharing their thoughts and ideas. As part of these sessions we often look at scriptures, linked with our School values, Liturgical year or scriptures we feel of great importance to share. Here you will see examples of children's responses to specific scriptures in KS1 and KS2. These responses are:


Cafod Visit

In November 2023 we had a visit from Cafod. They gave an assembly to all of the children on World Gifts.

The children learnt about their global neighbours around the world who need their help; to end poverty and to build a brighter world. At St Vincent's the children will be carrying out fundraising events to support communities overseas.


Preparing for Christmas during Advent

Each class chose a Christmas Carol and created a special display to represent it. What a wonderful job each class has done!


Crowning of Mary

On Wednesday 21st May, Fr Mario led us in a very special Crowning of Mary. It was a wonderful service, where Fr Mario taught the children more about Mary's life, and the children read and sang Ave Maria beautifully. Thank you to all of the children that brought in flowers for the procession and Mrs Gulliford the beautiful crown she created. It truly was a special day.



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