Subject Leader for RE: Mrs Hall
RE Long Term Plan
Below you will find each year groups syllabus.
EYFS Reception Syllabus
Year 1 Syllabus
Year 2 Syllabus
Year 3 Syllabus
Year 4 Syllabus
Year 5 Syllabus
Year 6 Syllabus
Catholic key figures
At St. Vincent's, each class learns about a particular Catholic figure throughout the year. These individuals have been thoughtfully chosen to inspire and guide our children, teaching them about the virtuous lives they led in faithful obedience to God's word. Through their examples, we learn the profound lessons of love, sacrifice, and devotion, helping us to grow in faith and righteousness.
Reception: St Peter
Year 1: Mother Teresa
Year 2: St Francis of Assisi
Year 3: Desmond Tutu
Year 4: Oscar Romero
Year 5: Edith Stein
Year 6: Pope Francis
The children have created beautiful displays of their chosen Catholic figures, sharing their inspiring stories with the rest of the school.
Examples of work
As part of our RE lessons following the The Way, The Truth and The Life scheme, at St Vincent's we feel that it is important to provide plenty of opportunities for discussion. This gives the children the opportunity to reflect and respond, sharing their thoughts and ideas. As part of these sessions we often look at scriptures, linked with our School values, Liturgical year or scriptures we feel of great importance to share. We use Big Books in each class to record these discussions. Here you will see examples of children's responses to specific scriptures or questions. These responses are:
Cafod Visit
We were welcomed by a representative from CAFOD to join us for a whole school assembly. The theme of the gathering was how our efforts in fundraising for CAFOD can help bring light and hope to those in need around the world. The children were warmly commended for their generosity and hard work in last year’s Big Lent Walk and bake sales, and many were eager to share their plans for further fundraising this year. This is a powerful reflection of how our students are actively living out the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, putting their faith into action in service of others. Year 6 then participated in a workshop where they delved deeper into these teachings, leading to a truly thought-provoking afternoon for all involved.
Preparing for Christmas during Advent
Each class chose a Christmas Carol and created a special display to represent it. What a wonderful job each class has done!
Crowning of Mary
On Wednesday 21st May, Fr Mario led us in a very special Crowning of Mary. It was a wonderful service, where Fr Mario taught the children more about Mary's life, and the children read and sang Ave Maria beautifully. Thank you to all of the children that brought in flowers for the procession and Mrs Gulliford the beautiful crown she created. It truly was a special day.
The Role of a Priest
Fr Mario joined our Infant classes to share with them his journey to priesthood, and the many jobs that he has in his role of a priest. The children really enjoyed the session, and had many questions to ask Fr Mario.
Reading of Scripture
One of our parents, Mr White, joined us for an early morning session to read the Parable of the Prodigal Son from the Bible. He spoke about the message that God is teaching us through this parable and about the importance of showing forgiveness to others.