Christmas Art Event
Across the school, we created amazing Christmas displays with the children’s work, linked to Christmas songs of the class’ choice. The outcome was fantastic!
Reception class – “Driving home for Christmas”

The children are encouraged to be spontaneously creative, using a variety of media and techniques in art and craftwork. An awareness of colour, shape, balance, focus and proportion are developed alongside the use of symbols to convey ideas and feelings.
At St. Vincent’s Primary School, we believe that teaching and learning in Art and DT is important because it stimulates creativity, imagination and inventiveness. The Purpose of art and DT education is to give pupils the skills, concepts and knowledge necessary for them to express responses to ideas and experiences in a visual or tactile form. It fires their imagination and is a fundamental means of personal expression.
Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum. Our pupils are offered a very wide range of experiences to extend their understanding of themselves and the world in which they live. Skills, attitudes and values are developed to prepare the children for the next stage of learning (Key Stage 1 and 2 ready and secondary ready), and enable them to be successful in the community. We believe that effective learning takes place when there is considerable emphasis on active involvement, opportunities to talk both imaginatively, expressively and to explain and clarify thinking. We make meaningful connections across subjects. The school expects everyone to develop and show a sense of responsibility and self-discipline whether alone, together, at work or at play, and to support policies on equal opportunities. “Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils. Equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.”
Our Art and DT curriculum strives to deliver a broad and balanced rich curriculum that at each end point prepares our children for transition to the next step of learning. That there is no conflict between high achievement, progress and a deepening of knowledge and with a love of art and culture that should be lifelong. That all pupils including those with SEND are equipped with the skills needed for life. We aim to ensure all children develop resilience and a recognition of their place in the wider community. We endeavour to ensure that our children are equipped to meet challenges they may face with sound and safe judgments and decision making.
Art and Design Intent, Implementation and Impact
Art and Design curriculum overview