The children at St Vincent’s are on a journey: our English curriculum builds a lifelong literate learner with the skills needed to be confident and articulate in the subject. The study of English enables our children to access all other areas of the curriculum. The children talk passionately about their lessons and take pride in the high standard of work produced.
The impact of our English curriculum is measured through a variety of assessment methods and demonstrates the progress of each child, their sustained learning and the transferable skills they have learned. Our children make excellent progress and attain highly.
Reading, writing and grammar are formatively assessed by class teachers each lesson through verbal and written feedback, which complement student self-review and peer review. These areas are also formally assessed on a regular basis with consistent and accurate tracking to ensure that each child is making progress. Pupil voice and book looks also form part of our monitoring. By the time children reach the latter stages of KS2 they are aware of many genres and purposes of writing and teaching focuses on creativity, sustained writing and the use of more complex grammatical and punctuation skills. Assessment throughout children’s time at St Vincent’s is carried out with this end goal in mind.
As the English curriculum impacts on all aspects of the wider school curriculum, cross-curricular reading and writing are also used to measure the impact of our English teaching; this shows the consolidation of students’ skills and learning and a deeper understanding of how and when to utilise specific grammar and punctuation.
At St Vincent’s we know that English is much more than the gateway to success in other curriculum subjects. The study of English opens us to the wealth of human experience and has a strong and creative dimension that will enrich the lives of our children for a lifetime.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr Seuss